
Сотрудник подразделения

чту традиции славной кафедры ОХТ


  1. 15Grinvald S.A., Barakova N.V., Kiprushkina E.I., Jamaldinova B.A., Ushaeva I.U., Tochilnikov G., Sadovoy V.V., Gunkova P. The effect of phenolic compounds contained in flour from green buckwheat, flaxseed, grape and dogwood Seeds on the fermentation activity of yeast S. cerevisiae // Functional Foods in Health and Disease - 2024, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 207-218 [SJR: 0.271]
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  2. 14Kuprina E.E., Rogozina E.A., Abramzon V.V., Demidov P.I., Kiprushkina E.I., Shestopalova I.A., Broyko J.V., Shamtsyan M.M., Kolesnikov B.A. Mathematical description of protein extraction from muscle tissue of hydrobionts and determination of the effective molecular diffusion coefficient // Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops and Foods - 2024, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 42-51 [SJR: 0.41]
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  3. 13Al-Yasari A., Barakova N., Alkhateeb R., Hovhannisyan F., Baskovtceva A., Kiprushkina E.I. Juice yield and pectin indicators in apple and carrot pomace // Functional Foods in Health and Disease - 2023, Vol. 13, No. 11, pp. 559-573 [SJR: 0.271]
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  4. 12Kuprina E.E., Kiprushkina E.I., Abramzon V.V., Rogozina E.A., Romanenko N.Y., Mezenova O.Y., Thomas G., Morsel T. Obtaining and Study of Peptide Compositions Based on Hydrolysates of Collagen-Containing Fish Raw Materials // Fermentation - 2023, Vol. 9, No. 5, pp. 458 [SJR: 0.549]
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  5. 11Murashev S.V., Gorlach E.A., Chertov A.N., Gorbunova E.V., Kiprushkina E.I. Development of a colourimetric method for quality control of sausage products produced using chitinous food additives // Progress on Chemistry and Application of Chitin and Its Derivatives - 2020, Vol. 25, pp. 151-163 [SJR: 0.167]
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  6. 10Бройко Ю.В., Колодязная В.С., Бараненко Д.А., Кипрушкина Е.И., Шестопалова И.А. Влияние замораживания на динамику аминокислотного состава белков телятины // Холодильная техника - 2020. - № 3. - С. 2-7
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  7. 9Kolodyaznaya V.S., Kiprushkina E.I., Shestopalova I.A., Broyko Y.V., Rumiantceva O.N., Albulov A.I., Rogozina E.A. Changes in the fatty acid composition of avocado fruit treated with preparations during storage // Progress on Chemistry and Application of Chitin and Its Derivatives - 2019, Vol. 24, pp. 75-83 [SJR: 0.167]
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  8. 8Kuprina E.E., Kiprushkina E.I., Shestopalova I.A., Yakkola A.N., Manuilov A.N., Odegova N.V., Shcherbakova E.E., Mushits A.I. Research of the influence of chitin-containing food additives on the rheological properties and biological value of minced fish // Progress on Chemistry and Application of Chitin and Its Derivatives - 2018, Vol. 23, pp. 114-119 [SJR: 0.167]
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  9. 7Shestopalova I.A., Kolodyaznaya V.S., Kiprushkina E.I., Kuprina E.E., Petrova V.A., Rogozina E.A., Danko V.O. Functional-technological properties of meat-and-vegetable emulsions with the addition of Chitosan derivatives // Progress on Chemistry and Application of Chitin and Its Derivatives - 2018, Vol. 23, pp. 170-178 [SJR: 0.167]
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  10. 6Колодязная В.С., Кипрушкина Е.И., Бараненко Д.А., Шестопалова И.А. Искусственный холод и скрытые резервы пищевых отраслей // Пищевая промышленность - 2018. - № 4. - С. 42-46 [IF: 0.251]
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  11. 5Kiprushkina E.I., Baranenko D.A., Kolodyaznaya V.S. A comparative study of fuel use and income analysis of potato production with bacteria-antagonists in Leningrad region of Russia // Energy Procedia - 2017, Vol. 113, pp. 194–200 [SJR: 0.519]
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  12. 4Kiprushkina E.I., Shestopalova I.A., Pekhotina A.M., Kuprina E.E., Nikitina O.V. Protective-stimulating properties of chitosan in the vegetation and storing tomatoes // Progress on Chemistry and Application of Chitin and Its Derivatives - 2017, Vol. 22, pp. 77-81 [SJR: 0.167]
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  13. 3Банницына Т.Е., Канарский А.В., Щербаков А.В., Чеботарь В.К., Кипрушкина Е.И. Дрожжи в современной биотехнологии // Вестник Международной академии холода - 2016. - № 1(58). - С. 24-29 [IF: 0.448]
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  14. 2Кипрушкина Е.И., Колодязная В.С. Защитно-стимулирующие свойства хитозана при вегетации и хранении томатов // Известия Уфимского научного центра РАН - 2016. - Т. 3. - № 1. - С. 121-123 [IF: 0.147]
  15. 1Kiprushkina E.I., Baranenko D.A. Increasing of food and bioenergy potato resources by microbial influence on tubers phytohormonal status // Environmental and Climate Technologies - 2014, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 36-40 [SJR: 0.414]
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