
Person Profile


  1. 12Muradova M., Poirier N., Moreno J., Proskura A., Lirussi F., Heydel J., Baranenko D., Nadtochii L., Neiers F., Schwartz M. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction study of a putative beta-glycosidase from the oral bacteria Prevotella sp. // Crystallography Reports - 2024, Vol. 69, No. 4, pp. 507-512 [IF: 0.563, SJR: 0.174]
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  2. 11Muradova M., Proskura A., Canon F., Aleksandrova I., Schwartz M., Heydel J., Baranenko D., Nadtochii L., Neiers F. Unlocking flavor potential using microbial beta-glucosidases in food processing // Foods - 2023, Vol. 12, No. 24, pp. 4484 [SJR: 0.87]
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  3. 10Nadtochii L., Baranenko D., Proskura A., Muradova M., Dam S., Bogueva D. Prospects of using of biologically active substances to prevent depression // Nutrition Science, Marketing Nutrition, Health Claims, and Public Policy - 2023, pp. 23-44
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  4. 9Hashim M., Nadtochii L.A., Muradova M.B., Proskura A., Alsaleem K.A., Hammam A. Non-Fat Yogurt Fortified with Whey Protein Isolate: Physicochemical, Rheological, and Microstructural Properties // Foods - 2021, Vol. 10, No. 8, pp. 1762 [SJR: 0.87]
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  5. 8Nadtochii L.A., Tsige K., Bulkran M., Proskura A., Muradova M.B. Preliminary study on dried green bottle fly lucilia caesar “resource saving/diversification” [Предварительное исследование сухих личинок зелёной мухи падальницы «Ресурсосбержение / диверсификация»] // Ползуновский вестник - 2021, No. 1, pp. 91-98
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  6. 7Orazov A., Nadtochii L., Bozymov K., Muradova M., Zhumayeva A. Role of Camel Husbandry in Food Security of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Agriculture - 2021, Vol. 11, No. 7, pp. 614 [SJR: 0.22]
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  7. 6Popova A.V., Nadtochii L.A., Proskura A., Muradova M.B., Chechetkina A.Y. The quantitative analysis of rutin in the roots of wild yams (Dioscorea caucasica) // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering - 2021, Vol. 624, No. 1, pp. 012173 [SJR: 0.249]
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  8. 5Nadtochii L., Melchakov R., Muradova M., Lepeshkin A., Istomin A. Assessment of the Functional and Technological Properties of Zooprotein Based on Fly Larvae (Lucilia Caesar) As Feed Composition // KnE Life Sciences - 2020, pp. 604–614
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  9. 4Nadtochii L.A., Venkatakrishnan K., Jing J., Chechetkina A.Y., Muradova M.B. Mathematical modeling of an experiment for the growth of chia seeds sprouts (Salvia hispanica L.) // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering - 2020, Vol. 940, No. 1, pp. 012081 [SJR: 0.249]
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  10. 3Nadtochii L., Baranenko D., Melchakov R., Muradova M., Istomin A., Istomin A. Investigation of fly larvae Lucilia Caesar application in pet feed composition // Agronomy Research - 2019, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 2359–2372 [SJR: 0.241]
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  11. 2Nadtochii L., Orazov A., Kuznetsova L.I., Pinaev A.G., Weihong L., Garbuz S., Muradova M. Identification of yeast species involved in fermentation of the Kazakh camel dairy product-shubat // Agronomy Research - 2018, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 2117-2129 [SJR: 0.241]
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  12. 1Nadtochii L., Orazov A., Muradova M., Bozymov K., Japarova A., Baranenko D. Comparison of the energy efficiency of production of camel’s and cow’s milk resources // Energy Procedia - 2018, Vol. 147, pp. 510-517 [SJR: 0.519]
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