
Person Profile

Liudmila Anatolevna Nadtochii

Associated Professor, PhD in Engineering

In 1995 L.A. Nadtochii graduated from the St. Petersburg State Academy of Refrigeratiоn and Food Technologies (now ITMO University), having received the qualificatiоn of an engineer-technologist with a degree in Technology of milk and dairy products. In 1995-2000 studied as PhD student at the St. Petersburg State University of Low Temperature and Food Technologies (now ITMO University), as a result of which in 2000 she successfully defended her PhD thesis. Since 2003, he has been working in the field of higher educatiоn at the St. Petersburg State University of Low Temperature and Food Technologies, currently as an associate professor (qualificatiоn "ordinary associate professor") at the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institutiоn of Higher Educatiоn "National Research University ITMO" (ITMO University).

Nadtochii L.A. has proved herself as a competitive employee of ITMO University, successfully developing in the directiоn of educational activities at the Russian and international levels.

Nadtochii L.A. is the author of more than 15 educational courses for bachelor's, master's and postgraduate studies, including courses in English. In particular, the course "Molecular Nutrition/Molecular Nutrition" was implemented in 2019 for graduate students of Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), Harbin, China. For the past 5 years, L.A. Nadtochii actively involved in a number of international educational projects, such as: a project in cooperatiоn with the University of California (UCLA), USA оn the topic "A new generatiоn of women leaders in education" (2017);Harbin Institute of Technology project as a foreign expert (2019) 2020, Nadtochii L.A. initiated an internship by a team of ITMO University employees at Olin College, USA, as a result, the team mastered best practices in educational activities and used them in optimizing the ITMO University Master's degree course. Since 2020, Nadtochii L.A. is the head of the specializatiоn (in English) "Products for active aging and sport nutritiоn / Products for active longevity and sports nutrition" within the framework of the Master's Degree program of ITMO University "Foodtech". In 2021, Nadtochii L.A. initiated the submissiоn of 2 educational projects, where she was represented as a supervisor. Both projects were supported by the V. Potanin Charitable Foundation. As a result, a new educational course "Sport Nutrition" (in English, in a mixed format) is being developed within the framework of the Grant Competitiоn for master's degree teachers (2021) for undergraduates studying in the OP "Foodtech" ( Another project "Summer School in the field of Biotechnology" (in English, in online format) is being implemented based оn the Third Millennium Biotechnology Research Center of ITMO University within the framework of the Academic Landing contest. Institutional experience", as a result of which, in the summer of 2022, the summer school in biotechnology will be available to undergraduate and graduate students from all over the world оn a free basis (link to the school's schedule: The summer school in biotechnology has become a key factor in attracting ITMO University scientists to work оn the applicatiоn for the Erasmus+ project. Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) "DIAMOND" together with 3 European partners: UBFC (France), SUA (Slovakia) and Teramo (Italy), the result of the project is expected in the summer of 2022.

Nadtochii L.A. has experience in research management of over 25 successfully defended undergraduates. Since 2018, under the guidance of L.A. Nadtochii, 2 successful startups have been launched within the framework of master's works:; Over the past years, Nadtochii L.A. has been the supervisor of 6 graduate students (annually), among whom there are foreign graduate students. In 2020-2021, under the leadership of L.A. Nadtochii, 3 successful dissertatiоn defenses have been defended for the PhD degree in Technical Sciences, one of them at the University of Lorraine, Nancy, France (under the double degree program). In 2021, under the guidance of Nadtochii L.A., 2 graduate students (potential participants of this project) received scholarships from the President of the Russian Federatiоn for internships abroad in 2021/2022 and wоn a competition for a double degree program at UBFC, Dijon, France. Currently, the work of these scientists is carried out in the EC countries and aimed at maintaining established partnerships with European academic partners.


  1. 29Gebremeskal Y., Nadtochii L.A., Kazydub N.G., Lu W., Chernov R. Total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of spanish sage (salvia hispanica l.) introduced in the Russian Federation [Общее содержание фенолов и антиоксидантная активность шалфея испанского (salvia hispanica l.), интродуцированного в Российской Федерации] // Ползуновский вестник - 2023, No. 4, pp. 110-117
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  2. 28Muradova M., Poirier N., Moreno J., Proskura A., Lirussi F., Heydel J., Baranenko D., Nadtochii L., Neiers F., Schwartz M. Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction study of a putative b-glycosidase from the oral bacteria Prevotella sp. // Crystallography Reports - 2023, pp. 13 [IF: 0.563, SJR: 0.174]
  3. 27Muradova M., Proskura A., Canon F., Aleksandrova I., Schwartz M., Heydel J., Baranenko D., Nadtochii L., Neiers F. Unlocking flavor potential using microbial beta-glucosidases in food processing // Foods - 2023, Vol. 12, No. 24, pp. 4484 [SJR: 0.87]
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  4. 26Nadtochii L., Baranenko D., Pavlova A., Ilina V., Melchakov R., Marinova D. Functional nutrition for healthy and active longevity // Nutrition Science, Marketing Nutrition, Health Claims, and Public Policy - 2023, pp. 355-372
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  5. 25Nadtochii L., Baranenko D., Proskura A., Muradova M., Dam S., Bogueva D. Prospects of using of biologically active substances to prevent depression // Nutrition Science, Marketing Nutrition, Health Claims, and Public Policy - 2023, pp. 23-44
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  6. 24Hashim M., Huang X., Nadtochii L.A., Baranenko D.A., Boulkrane M.S., El-Messery T.M. Encapsulation of bioactive compounds extracted from date palm seeds (Phoenix dactylifera L.) and their use in functional food // Frontiers in Nutrition - 2022, Vol. 9, pp. 1051050 [SJR: 0.828]
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  7. 23Tyutkov N., Zhernyakova A., Birchenko A., Eminova E., Nadtochii L., Baranenko D. Probiotics viability in frozen food products // Food Bioscience - 2022, Vol. 50, pp. 101996 [IF: 1.964, SJR: 0.959]
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  8. 22Hashim M., Nadtochii L.A., Muradova M.B., Proskura A., Alsaleem K.A., Hammam A. Non-Fat Yogurt Fortified with Whey Protein Isolate: Physicochemical, Rheological, and Microstructural Properties // Foods - 2021, Vol. 10, No. 8, pp. 1762 [SJR: 0.87]
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  9. 21Nadtochii L.A., Tsige K., Bulkran M., Proskura A., Muradova M.B. Preliminary study on dried green bottle fly lucilia caesar “resource saving/diversification” [Предварительное исследование сухих личинок зелёной мухи падальницы «Ресурсосбержение / диверсификация»] // Ползуновский вестник - 2021, No. 1, pp. 91-98
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  10. 20Orazov A., Nadtochii L., Bozymov K., Muradova M., Zhumayeva A. Role of Camel Husbandry in Food Security of the Republic of Kazakhstan // Agriculture - 2021, Vol. 11, No. 7, pp. 614 [SJR: 0.22]
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  11. 19Popova A.V., Nadtochii L.A., Proskura A., Muradova M.B., Chechetkina A.Y. The quantitative analysis of rutin in the roots of wild yams (Dioscorea caucasica) // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering - 2021, Vol. 624, No. 1, pp. 012173 [SJR: 0.249]
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  12. 18Kuznetcova D.V., Linder M., Jeandel C., Paris C., Desor F., Baranenko D.A., Nadtochii L.A., Arab-Tehrany E., Yen Potin F. Nanoliposomes and Nanoemulsions Based on Chia Seed Lipids: Preparation and Characterization // International Journal of Molecular Sciences - 2020, Vol. 21, No. 23, pp. 9079 [IF: 3.226, SJR: 1.179]
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  13. 17Nadtochii L., Melchakov R., Muradova M., Lepeshkin A., Istomin A. Assessment of the Functional and Technological Properties of Zooprotein Based on Fly Larvae (Lucilia Caesar) As Feed Composition // KnE Life Sciences - 2020, pp. 604–614
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  14. 16Nadtochii L.A., Baranenko D.A., Lu W., Safronova A.V., Lepeshkin A.I., Ivanova V.A. Rheological and physical-chemical properties of yogurt with oat-chia seeds composites // Agronomy Research - 2020, Vol. 18, No. S3, pp. 1816-1828 [SJR: 0.241]
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  15. 15Nadtochii L.A., Venkatakrishnan K., Jing J., Chechetkina A.Y., Muradova M.B. Mathematical modeling of an experiment for the growth of chia seeds sprouts (Salvia hispanica L.) // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering - 2020, Vol. 940, No. 1, pp. 012081 [SJR: 0.249]
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  16. 14Orazov A., Nadtochii L., Bosymov K., Abdul R., Vyushinsky P. Investigation and identification strains of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts isolated from camel milk and traditional fermented dairy products from Kazakhstan // Agronomy Research - 2020, pp. в печати [SJR: 0.241]
  17. 13Baranenko D., Bespalov V.G., Nadtochii L., Shestopalova I., Chechetkina A., Lepeshkin A., Ilina V. Development of encapsulated extracts on the basis of meadowsweet (Filipendula ulmaria) in the composition of functional foods with oncoprotective properties // Agronomy Research - 2019, Vol. 17, No. 5, pp. 1829–1838 [SJR: 0.241]
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  18. 12Nadtochii L., Baranenko D., Melchakov R., Muradova M., Istomin A., Istomin A. Investigation of fly larvae Lucilia Caesar application in pet feed composition // Agronomy Research - 2019, Vol. 17, No. 6, pp. 2359–2372 [SJR: 0.241]
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  19. 11Nadtochii L.A., Kuznetcova D.V., Lepeshkin A.I., Ostrovskaya M., Veber A. Omega-3 Fatty Acids as an Essential Nutritional Element in the High North // Handbook of Research on International Collaboration, Economic Development, and Sustainability in the Arctic - 2019, pp. 547-569
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  20. 10Nadtochii L.A., Kuznetcova D.V., Proskura A.V., Apalko A.D., Nazarova V.V., Srinivasan M. Investigation of various factors on the germination of chia seeds sprouts (Salvia hispanica L.) // Agronomy Research - 2019, Vol. 17, No. Special Issue II, pp. 1390-1400 [SJR: 0.241]
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  21. 9Veber A., Leonova S., Kazydub N., Simakova I., Nadtochii L. Special Legume-Based Food as a Solution to Food and Nutrition Insecurity Problem in the Arctic // Handbook of Research on International Collaboration, Economic Development, and Sustainability in the Arctic - 2019, pp. 570-592
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  22. 8Kuznetcova D.V., Kiriacheva E.V., Nadtochii L.A., Baranenko D.A., Boulkrane M., Ivanova V.A. Comparative analysis of chia seeds (Salvia hispanica L.) oil obtained by different methods // Agronomy Research - 2018, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. в печати? [SJR: 0.241]
  23. 7Nadtochii L., Orazov A., Kuznetsova L.I., Pinaev A.G., Weihong L., Garbuz S., Muradova M. Identification of yeast species involved in fermentation of the Kazakh camel dairy product-shubat // Agronomy Research - 2018, Vol. 16, No. 5, pp. 2117-2129 [SJR: 0.241]
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  24. 6Nadtochii L., Orazov A., Muradova M., Bozymov K., Japarova A., Baranenko D. Comparison of the energy efficiency of production of camel’s and cow’s milk resources // Energy Procedia - 2018, Vol. 147, pp. 510-517 [SJR: 0.519]
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  25. 5Nadtochii L.A., Kuznetcova D.V., Lepeshkin A.I., Ostrovskaya M., Veber A. Omega-3 fatty acids as an essential element in the diet of the population in selected territories of Russia // Цифровые технологии в сельском хозяйстве: текущее состояние и перспективы развития: сборник научных трудов по материалам I Международной научно-практической конференции - 2018, pp. 62-71
  26. 4Nadtochii L., Koryagina A., Parishchenkova I.V. Socially important foods for children in the period o f increased mental stress // Питание и интеллект: сборник трудов научно-практической конференции (Санкт-Петербург, 22апреля 2015г.) - 2015, pp. 120-123
  27. 3Nadtochii L., Zabodalova L., Domoroshchenkova M. Development of cheese product with hydrolyzed soybean emulsion // Agronomy Research - 2015, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 1010-1019 [SJR: 0.241]
  28. 2Nadtochii L., Koryagina A. Fermented sauces for child nutrition from age three // Agronomy Research - 2014, Vol. 12, No. 3, pp. 759-768 [SJR: 0.241]
  29. 1Nadtochii L.A., Orlova O.I., Suchkova E.P., Zabodalova L.A. Functional food products in the present living conditions // Cборник статей. Китайско-русская конференция "Питание и специальные пищевые продукты в экстремальных условиях" - 2013, No. б/н, pp. 74-78